Happy Birthday!

To make a long story short, it was Ruthee’s, one of my closest friends, birthday last Friday. I went home, I wanted to greet her, and I thought of a message. Then I remembered the different ways she’s greeted me on my birthday and I thought I wanted to be creative. So I ended up drawing something and making it into a video.

I am very thankful that she liked it. Also, I was happy myself because it’s been so long since I made a “project” of some sort. It’s a perfectly blissful feeling having finished something. I admit, there are a lot of polishing needed, but, I’m satisfied with it granted the limited time and tools I have. There’s a sense of accomplishment that accompanied every second of watching this video, even after countless times (yes, call me vain, but I watch it over and over again).

So, I thought I’d share it. Because it makes me smile, and I hope the thought of me sharing it to try to make you smile would be enough to actually make you smile. That way, even if you didn’t like the video, you’ll be able to say, “it’s the thought that counts.” And that’s enough for me…

…whoever you are. LOL

Anyway, credits to Podington Bear for the BG music entitled Twinkie.